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Tech MAX 2023 Event Feedback Survey
We Value Your Thoughts and Experiences

First and foremost, we'd like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to you for choosing to book your ticket for the Tech MAX 2023 event. Whether you were able to join us in person or your plans changed, your interest and support mean the world to us.

For those of you who attended, we hope that you found the experience both enlightening and enjoyable. You were part of a dynamic, innovative event, and we were thrilled to share the incredible world of technology with you.

We understand that there is always room for growth and improvement, and we are committed to making the Tech MAX event better every year.

To achieve this goal, we heavily rely on the feedback of our attendees, which is where you come in.

We invite you to participate in this short feedback survey, which should take approximately 10 minutes of your time. Your opinion is invaluable to us. We want to hear about every detail of your experience - the highlights and the areas where we could improve. We appreciate both positive and negative feedback, but we kindly request you to be constructive with your comments. This will allow us to better understand your perspective and work towards improvements in a more focused manner.

Your feedback will be instrumental in ensuring that we keep up the momentum and continue to offer an even better experience at our next event. Your thoughts, ideas, and criticisms will be taken into consideration as we plan for Tech MAX 2024, and beyond.

We understand there were a few issues with the microphone and speakers, this will be addressed next year. 

Once again, thank you for being a part of the Tech MAX 2023 event and for taking the time to help us make future events even more successful. We are excited about the road ahead and hope to share the journey with you.

Phil and Jenni

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