Join | Tech ForTechs
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Join The Group

The Tech For Tech Facebook community is committed to delivering the latest tech news and expert guidance. By joining us, you gain access to our knowledge and the chance to collaborate with fellow industry experts, including retail stores, Managed Service Providers (MSPs), tech companies, distributors, vendors, and product manufacturers. Membership is free and open to all tech professionals, but please be aware of our group guidelines to maintain a positive and productive atmosphere. These guidelines encompass no sharing of affiliate links, no self-promotion or sales pitches, no posting of controversial off-topic content, and a requirement to show respect and keep group content within the group. Admins are the sole exception to these rules. Join us in fostering a thriving tech community!

- No affiliate links (Unless Admin)
- No selling or self-promotion (Unless Admin)
- No controversial off-topic posts (no Politics or religion, )
- Be respectful

- No sharing group content outside the group

Marble Surface

Facebook Rules

The Tech For Techs Group LTD is a Tech based Marketing and Media Company with a community for Techs, Distributors, Vendors and Manufacturers to help each other grow



  • Jenni/Jennifer Griffiths (Partner and Managing Director of Tech For Techs Group LTD, and main admin of the group)

  • Phil/Philip Griffiths (Facebook name John Phil Griff) (Partner and Marketing Director and influencer of Tech For Techs admin of this group)

To be approved as a member, you must be one of the below:

  • Be personally known by the admins

  • Be referred by another member of the group (the application still needs to be filled in)

  • Be friends with another member of the group (the application still needs to be filled in)

  • Clearly work at or own a tech business

  • Work for a distributor of computer goods

  • Work for a manufacturer/vendor of computer-related goods, including software and hardware

You will NOT be approved if:

  • You do not meet any of the above criteria

  • There are questions about your business protocols

The group admins have the final say on any applications.


  • No controversial off-topic posts (e.g. sex, politics, religion)

  • No discussions about using pirated or illegal software

  • No sharing group content outside the group, unless pre-approved by an admin

  • No affiliate links (direct links are encouraged)

  • No selling or self-promotion (wait for a member to express a specific need before mentioning your product or service)

  • No live videos (post pre-recorded videos with context instead) unless pre-approved by an admin

  • Be respectful and refrain from rudeness, disrespect, hateful rhetoric, or personal attacks

  • Keep swearing to a minimum

  • Pay for items purchased from members within a reasonable time, failure to do so will result in removal from the group

  • Disclaimer: all advice given here is just that, advice. In the end, you make the decision to follow the advice and it's on you because you made the choice. Neither TFT nor its members will be held liable for advice followed that turned out to not go as planned.

  • If a rule is violated, an admin will warn you in a public reply, private message, or removal report. Admins reserve the right to remove anyone from the group at any time.


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