Tech For Techs today reached 10,000 subscribers to its YouTube content, not only that but a few weeks ago we also reached over 4,500,000 views on YouTube.

I would like to thank all the vendors, distributors, and techs who have helped us achieve this, if you would like to see some of our youtube content feel free to take a look Here
Or if you would like to work with tech for techs email us at or visit our website
We are a Tech hub for the channel. We specialize in
communication between independent traders, vendors, and distributors in the way of product
reviews, Live shows, events, and promotion. Here is a list of things we can offer you:
● Brand promotion
● Product promotion
● Press Releases and One on One Interviews
● Independent/Unbiased Reviews published to techs as well as consumers
● A connection to over 1300 UK independent retailers, vendors, and distributors
● Live trade Events -